There are a lot of things to consider when it comes to designing a great board. Some people may argue that they don’t need any design skills because their bulletin board is just supposed to show up in the right place every day. However, if you do want to create something that looks good and stands out from other bulletin boards, then there are a few important factors you need to take into consideration.

To come up with a successful bulletin board, you first need to decide on what sort of message you want to convey. Is it an announcement about the latest event? A list of helpful resources? Or perhaps some information about student activities? Once you know what you want to communicate, you can start thinking about how you will go about doing so.

One thing you should keep in mind is whether or not your audience will be able to read the text you’re writing. If your main goal is to promote a club or organization, then you probably shouldn’t try and write a novel.

What Is Bulletin Board in Schools?

A bulletin board is a place where teachers post notices, announcements, assignments, homework, etc. When students walk into their classroom, they take a piece of paper with them and put it on the bulletin board. This allows other people to read the notice.

In most cases, when you go to school, you’ll be given a small piece of paper that you can use to write down notes. You can also leave messages for your teacher, but you should make sure that you don’t write anything that could get you in trouble.

You might have heard of a “bulletin board” before, and you may wonder what it is. It’s a large posterboard on which people can post notes, posters, or even pictures.

What Is the Purpose of the Bulletin Board?

A bulletin board is a great way to display information that you want your visitors to know. If you have an office, you can use the bulletin board to share important news with people who walk by your door.

If you work from home, you might need to create a bulletin board for other reasons. For example, you could put up a sign on your desk so that you can let people know when you’re free to chat. Or maybe you can post flyers for upcoming sales and special offers to attract new customers.

You don’t necessarily have to get a large bulletin board. You can make do with just a small one, like a corkboard. However, you should always keep it organized. Otherwise, you’ll end up spending hours looking through everything to find the right piece of paper.

This is why you may want to consider getting a bulletin board organizer. This is an inexpensive tool that makes it easy to organize all the items on your board.

When you buy an organizer, you will be able to store things such as business cards, receipts, and even sticky notes.

What’s more, you will also save time because you won’t need to search for anything when someone walks into your office.

What Are the Things to Put on Bulletin Board?

If you have a bulletin board where you keep important papers and other items, then you might be wondering what type of information you should include. Of course, you want your board to look nice, but you also need to make sure that it contains all of the right stuff.

Here are some tips for choosing the best kinds of things to add.

First, you should avoid using a bulletin board for storing junk. You don’t want to waste space by putting things on there that you won’t ever use.

Next, you’ll want to choose a design that makes sense for your home. For example, you shouldn’t hang pictures of people who aren’t in your life anymore. Instead, you should focus on keeping up with the people who are most important to you.

Finally, you should try to remember to replace anything that you put on your board. This will ensure that it stays neat and organized.

When you’re looking for the perfect place to store important documents, you can always turn to a bulletin board. But before you do so, here are some suggestions.

You may not realize this, but the kind of paper that you use matters. If you print out a lot of things, then you will likely end up having more than one copy of each document.


When I first started teaching, I purchased posters with biographical information about famous English authors and proudly displayed them on my back bulletin board. Sadly, no one looked at them. Ok, that’s not entirely true. I had the occasional, “Awesome! This dude’s last name is Bacon” comment, but it didn’t exactly get my students excited about English literary history…

I was on social media one night and saw the word “timeline” in bold on my profile and thought, “Eureka! I will create an author timeline.”  I was just going to make a profile for William Shakespeare, but I got out of control and ended up making 30. For each author’s profile, I added a profile picture of the author, quotes for a status update, interesting info on the side, and a timeline of the author’s life.


Posting inspirational quotes in the classroom is by no means an original idea. I’m sure you can bring your mind back to your middle/high school classroom and remember some of the quote posters your teachers displayed. In the last few years; however, quotes have had a surge of popularity in that they are posted, liked, and shared on the virtual bulletin boards that are Pinterest, Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter. Students love to find that perfect quote that connects with how they are feeling and share it for the world to see. In my classroom, I like to share quotes of the week from famous authors or from the novels/short stories/plays that we will be studying.


Create an interactive exit pass bulletin board dedicated to students demonstrating their learning in your ELA class. There are so many options to choose from, but my favorite is Hashtags About Today’s Lesson (it’s FREE!) where students can write a social media update about something they learned in class that day. I print in color, laminate, and have students use dry-erase markers so they can reuse them again. I find it’s useful as a formative assessment to check which of your students are struggling with the concept.   


Who doesn’t love a great grammar joke? Find an area in your classroom where you can share hilarious grammar posters or funny grammar mistakes to get your students laughing and developing their ELA skills at the same time! These posters always catch my students’ attention. They also make for a stunning display in the designated “grammar error corner” of your classroom.


Classroom bulletin boards have become a popular way to display information that students need to know. However, you can use them in ways that go beyond just displaying facts and figures. You can also create your posters using the ideas in this article.

When creating these posters, you should start by picking an image that is relevant to your class. For example, you could choose a picture of the earth from space, or you could show pictures of animals living in the wild. Once you’ve chosen a photo, you’ll want to make sure that the background doesn’t distract from the main focus of your poster.

The poster that most often gets ignored in middle and high school classrooms: THE RULES. I tried to find a way to make the classroom rules more appealing by connecting them to famous quotes. My students may not want to listen to me, but when Martin Luther King, Shakespeare, and Amelia Earhart are telling them to arrive on time prepared with a positive attitude, maybe they will listen…

Ok, probably not, but at least I will have a calming bulletin board to look at when that student strolls in 10 minutes after the bell.


The dreaded phrase every English teacher despises: “I don’t like to read.” When a student says this, refer them to these posters to find a genre they might be interested in. Once they find one, have them do a bit of online research to find popular books in that genre. It’s an easy way for you to help steer your students in the right direction for book choice.

These posters have also been a great reference during class instruction when we are discussing the genre. If students are not sure how to categorize a particular reading, I ask them to refer to the board to help them decide under what genre(s) the text falls.


Everyone loves a good pun, especially from the nerdy English teacher. Yes, your students will sigh, call you a cheesy dork, and roll their eyes when they see your Joke Of The Day bulletin board, but I can guarantee that they will also tell that joke to their friends or family later that day.


Interactive Literary Term Boards can be used to promote your book uniquely! If you have ever wanted to give away free books, but don’t know how to go about doing this, then check out these boards. 

Dedicate a bulletin board in your classroom to introducing a new literary term to your students each week. I usually introduce a new term on Monday and put up the word on the bulletin board with the definition. The board can also become interactive by having students add post-its around the definition with their examples of the term in use (in movies, music, novels, comics, commercials, songs, etc.). If you want them to participate, make it an activity in class, or use it as a way to provide extra credit.