In the early days, computers were very expensive and it was nearly impossible for anyone to own their personal computer let alone learn how to program them. At this time, there was no way for people to go to school and learn how to write code. Instead, they had to figure things out on their own. For example, if you wanted to create your own game, you would need to spend countless hours figuring out which language to use and then you might even have to teach yourself how to do that.

However, over time, technology has changed a lot. Nowadays, the price of a decent home computer is around £200. There are also lots of websites where you can download programs for free or you could just ask your friends or family members who already know how to code.

So now you don’t have to worry about learning any coding languages or having to figure everything out by yourself. Instead, you can find resources online and use these to help you to become a computer programmer.

What Is a Computer Programmer?

A computer programmer writes programs to tell a computer how to perform certain tasks. The most basic kind of program tells the computer how to take input from the user, such as typing words on a keyboard.

Another type of program lets users interact with the computer using special software. For example, an Internet browser allows people to surf the web, and other programs allow people to create documents and spreadsheets.

When you become a computer programmer, you’ll need to learn a lot of new information. You will also have to work hard at learning all the ins and outs of coding, so you can write effective code.

Why Do People Become Computer Programmers?

You might have heard the term “computer programmer” before. This is someone who writes software programs. Many different kinds of jobs involve, writing code. Some examples include web designers, game developers, system administrators, database managers, and more.

If you want to be a computer programmer, then it’s important to understand why people choose this career path. The first thing you need to know is that programming is an extremely rewarding job. You get to use your skills to create something useful, and you also get paid well for doing so.

Another good reason to pursue a career in programming is that it’s a fast-paced industry. If you want to learn how to program, then you should consider getting started as soon as possible.

Finally, you may find that being a computer programmer is a great way to make money. Many companies hire people to write new programs all the time.

You can even work from home. So, if you’re looking for a fun and exciting career, then you could do worse than become a computer programmer.

What Kind of Computer Programming Is Good for a Career?

If you want to be a successful programmer, you need to have the right skills. You should focus on learning how to program in one particular language. This way, you can learn the basics of the coding process, so that you’ll know what type of work you’re doing.

You also need to make sure that you can get into a top university. If you don’t, then your options will be limited.

Your best bet would be to look for jobs at companies like Google and Microsoft. They hire a lot of new programmers, and they are always looking for fresh talent.

While you might not earn a high salary in these positions, you can expect to receive excellent benefits. Plus, you won’t have to worry about getting fired from your job.

Finally, you should consider starting your own business. While it’s true that you may not make much money, the freedom of being able to set your hours and choose what you do is a big plus.

In addition, you will have more control over your life. You will no longer answer to someone else, and you will be free to follow whatever path you desire.

What Skills Are Necessary to Have as a Computer Programmer?

A computer programmer is someone who writes programs that run on a computer. He/she works on software, hardware, databases, networking, operating systems, etc.

There are many different kinds of programmers. For example, there are web developers, graphic designers, database administrators, system analysts, and network engineers. There are also other jobs related to programmings such as project managers, quality assurance specialists, and technical writers.

If you want to become a successful programmer, you will need to be able to work well with others. You should also know how to communicate effectively. This means that you must be able to write clear instructions and respond to questions.

You will also need to understand the basics of math and science. If you don’t, then you won’t be able to design a program that is based on mathematical principles. In addition, you will need to learn about computers, networks, languages, and so forth.

As you can see, becoming a computer programmer requires a lot of hard work. But it’s not impossible. With the right amount of effort, you will succeed.

Different Coding Languages

No one expects you to know every coding language. Not only is it close to impossible, but it’s also highly unnecessary. 

Depending on what kind of computer programmer you want to be, you’ll need an understanding of different primary languages. 

For front-end (“waitress”) developers, you may want to focus on programming languages that cater to the design, layout, and navigational aspects including but not limited to:

  • HTML – HyperText Markup Language creates the visual interface of web pages. It is more accurately a combination of two languages, hypertext, and markup. Hypertext connects the various pages of a website. Think of the way a hyperlink in an article takes you to a different page. Markup is for writing the webpage code itself, including the text and structure.
  • CSS – Cascading Style Sheets is used to shape an existing web page, increasing its aesthetic and presentation value. 
  • JavaScript – This language is an absolute necessity for any front-end programmer. It allows users to effectively interact with the site by navigating seamlessly between pages and utilizing the software functions.
  • Processing – Processing represents the visually stunning aspect of a web-based application or website. This language is instrumental to the creative and artistic components.

Is It Difficult to Become a Computer Programmer?

When you first start learning to code, you’ll learn the most important concept: variables. Variables are used when you’re creating programs. For example, let’s say you wanted to write a program that would tell you the temperature outside. Your variable could look like this:

temperature = 0.0;

Now, you can’t put a number inside the quotation marks. That’s because you’d just end up with an error message. However, you can still use the word “number” without putting any numbers in it. So, you might ask yourself, what is the difference between these two statements?

The answer is that the second statement says that your variable is equal to zero. The first one doesn’t.

You can also create variables for other things, such as money and time. You may even come across a situation where you need to make more than one variable at once.

What Qualifications Does the Role Require?

A computer programmer is someone who writes software programs. This includes any type of program that runs on computers. For example, you can write a program to help people plan their finances, or you could create an app that helps people to track their fitness goals.

You don’t need to be good at writing code to become a computer programmer though. You just need to have basic programming skills. There are many different ways of learning how to do this.

If you want to learn how to program, then you should start by watching online tutorials. These videos will teach you all of the basics. Once you feel comfortable with these concepts, then you can move on to more advanced courses.

Some schools offer short-term training programs. Some of them focus on web development while others focus on mobile apps.

Whatever path you decide to take, you’ll need to spend time practicing your coding. If you’re a beginner, then you may find it easier to work through a book or course. However, if you’ve been working as a developer for a while already, then whileight prefer to go back and review the material that you learned before.

Bachelor’s Degree

Some—not all—jobs will require, or at least “prefer,” a Bachelor’s degree. These programs take an average of four years to finish. 

Programmers typically receive degrees in:

  • Computer Science
  • Mathematics
  • Information Technology

However, many students graduate with entirely different majors and find their way to programming later in life. University programs are useful, but they also overload you with many extraneous classes and projects.


Your portfolio is especially important when you haven’t received a formal education in computer programming. This is your chance to prove that you can still problem-solve and code. 

No matter how you learned, you can work on independent projects before landing an in-office position or remote tech job, such as:

  • Design your websites – The best way to learn is by doing. All you need is an idea, a working computer, internet access, and the drive to succeed. Whenever you get stuck, tons of online resources and programs can help address your specific concerns. 
  • Copy existing code – This may seem like plagiarism, but as long as you are forthright about what you borrowed from existing sites and what you adapted and altered, you’re in the clear. Many beginner programmers learn by seeing what others have done. You can make a similar project with your spin on it (as long as you give credit where credit is due).
  • Work on Open Source projects – By collaborating with others, you’ll learn from the more experienced programmers on your team. You’ll have played a part in creating the final product without the pressure of doing it on your own.

What’s Your Learning Style?

Learning styles can be very useful when you’re trying to learn new things. 

If you work best in a university classroom’s highly structured environment, you’ll likely spend at least four years completing classwork and another six months or so securing a job. 

However, other options will significantly decrease the time it takes for you to reach your programming goals:

  • Bootcamps – These short sessions, typically a few months or even weeks, are jam-packed with basic computer programming skills. They can be somewhat limited in scope, but will still provide a foundation of solid information.
  • Online programs & learning tools – These are similar in that you learn the specific skills and concepts required of programmers and developers, but their self-paced nature means you dictate your schedule and completion timeline. 

Three main categories describe how people learn best. Each category includes four sub-categories. The first type is visual learners. Visual learners like to take notes and draw diagrams while listening to lectures. They also tend to prefer books over other forms of media such as television or video games.

The second group is auditory learners. Auditory learners need to hear information before they can understand it. Therefore, these people will benefit from taking tests, doing homework, or using audio recordings.

Finally, there are kinesthetic learners. Kinesthetic learners do well when given hands-on activities or exercises. For example, if you were to ask someone who was a kinesthetic learner if he or she could tell the difference between a real and fake diamond, then you’d probably get an answer in the affirmative.